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It features natural fiber coating paint

announcer:Sanfeng  Time:2016/8/7 21:44:20

Despite mineral filler coating can improve the performance of some of the complex as a filler and has been widely used, but they also have some drawbacks. Mineral filler is composed of non-renewable raw materials for preparing high density. Therefore, the product of an inorganic filler prepared heavy. From the volume of the products considered, they may not be economical. In addition, the inorganic filler will have some of the wear of processing equipment. Floor paint in the past few decades, natural organic filler from wood and agricultural raw material composed has begun to infiltrate filled thermoplastics market. In thermoplastics, the use of natural fiber has many advantages compared with the use of minerals. These advantages include relatively high hardness and strength, ease of use, renewable, biodegradable and so on. Especially relatively lower density of natural mineral fillers, fibers, and their greater ability to deform, thereby reducing the loss of filler during processing, the filler reduces the wear of processing machinery. From economic considerations, natural fibers from renewable raw materials, mineral fillers usually more expensive. Adding natural fibers in plastics, such as wood fiber, it is possible to provide plastic wood look and feel. Natural fibers also increase productivity substituted inorganic filler. All these advantages make natural fiber - plastic composite with prospects of rapid development.

Copyright Qingdao Sanfeng coating Co., Ltd. TEL:0532-86157886 Address:No. 1128 Feiyu Road Jiaonan Huangdao District